The bubble solution is a mild and very dilute soapy liquid. The colour is a synthetic dye used in food colouring. All of the materials we use have been tested and are 100% safe for human consumption and do not harm the environment.
The bubble mixture is suitable for nut allergy sufferers, is gluten-free and vegetarian and vegan-friendly.
We provide all venues that we work with the details of the materials we use so that they are 100% confident that the venue and local environment will not be harmed.
Every Bubble Rush is organised in partnership with a charity. The ticket price covers the cost of putting on the event, so the charity needs people to either fundraise or make a donation.
Please include some fundraising as part of your preparation for the event. The charity will be only too happy to offer advice and ideas on how to make every bubbly step count.
Links to each charity partner are on the event page.
We want everyone to be able to enjoy Bubble Rush and aim to make all our routes wheelchair and pushchair-friendly.
We advise you to bring a rain cover to protect the fabric of your chair or buggy.
Be aware that the bubble stations will be on grass and the great British weather may cause ground conditions to be muddy or slippery.
Please check with the organiser of your chosen event for any restrictions on access.
As with all activities involving physical effort we recommend that anyone with a pre-existing medical condition checks with their GP before signing up for Bubble Rush.
We use a soap fluid to create the bubbles, and we are aware that this can cause skin irritation for some people. So, if you are an Eczema sufferer we would advise you to check with your doctor before signing up.
Wear whatever you feel comfortable in to walk, run or toddle 5k!
Be aware that the coloured bubbles can stain clothing (and your skin!) so please don’t wear your best new trainers and smartest running gear!
You’ll get a Bubble Rush t-shirt, and will be able to buy colourful items like headbands and sunglasses to complete your outfit.
Here is our size guide for the 2023 Bubble Rush ts-shirts:
For the safety of all our participants dogs, including assistance dogs, are not allowed to take part in Bubble Rush. This includes dogs that can be carried.
At some venues spectators may bring dogs but they must be on a short lead and kept a safe distance from the course, and the bubble stations in particular.
The event team will ask any spectators whose dogs are posing a risk to participants to move away, so please respect any instructions that are given.
All under 16’s must be accompanied around the Bubble Rush course by a participating adult.
One adult can accompany up to 2 children under 16.
More information is available in the event Terms & Conditions.
The bubble mixture is a very mild soap and the colour is a food colourant. The foam created degrades very quickly and is not harmful to wildlife or vegetation.
Before we get permission to run an event we provide the venue with a full event management plan and details of the products used to create the bubbles.
There have been more than 180 Bubble Rush events since 2015 and no venue has ever raised any issues about Bubble Rush harming the environment in any way.
We don’t feel it would be safe for you to take part whilst pregnant.
But pushchairs are welcome, and there’s no minimum age limit at Bubble Rush – so we hope you’ll join us with your little one in the future!
You will get damp as you go around the course so we suggest you bring a change of clothes for the journey home.
Bubble Rush events are hosted by Charity Partners. If you have a question about a specific Bubble Rush, such as finding out when you will receive your t-shirt, please use the relevant charity contact details below:
Acorns Children’s Hospice [email protected]
Bolton Hospice 01204 663 055 [email protected]
Brian House Children’s Hospice 01253 952561
Demelza [email protected]
EACH 01508 500895 [email protected]
Helen & Douglas House 01865 799150 [email protected]
Isabel Hospice 01707 382500
North West Air Ambulance 0800 587 4570 [email protected]
The Hospice of St Francis 01442 869555 [email protected]